Central Yunnan water diversion project

2023/12/19 11:30

Central Yunnan water diversion project

project name:Chengdu Neijiang Waste Treatment Center Renovation Project

Project Introduction:The Central Yunnan Water Diversion Project is a landmark project among the 172 major water conservancy projects for water conservation and water supply identified by the State Council. It is also a large-scale and heavily invested water resources allocation project in southwest China. It is one of the water diversion projects under construction in my country. The total length of the water transmission line is approximately 664 kilometers. After the completion of the project, the water-receiving area will involve a total of 34 water-receiving communities in six states and cities along the main water conveyance canal, benefiting a land area of ​​36,900 square kilometers. Approximately 11.12 million people have directly benefited, with 636,000 acres of irrigation area improved. The designed annual average water diversion volume is 3.403 billion cubic meters, and 672 million cubic meters of water are supplied to Dianchi Lake, Qilu Lake and Yilong Lake.

Use of the product:Large diameter flange butterfly valve, expansion joint